A just transition includes freedom and safety for all

We as the FCAC community are appalled at the atrocities we have witnessed over the past two months and we grieve the loss of life and dignity of Israeli and Palestinian people. Recognizing our shared humanity and the rights of all people to freedom, safety and self-determination, we call for peace. As a movement founded on diverse legacies of nonviolent action, we reject the narrative that freedom and safety for some must come at the cost of freedom and safety for others. We are committed to building a world across race, culture, and religion where we can all live in freedom and peace.

We condemn the brutal attacks of Hamas against Israeli civilians, and we condemn the ongoing siege and attacks on millions of civilians in Gaza, nearly half of which are children. 

As a climate justice organization, we recognize that militarism and the climate crisis are deeply interconnected issues. The US government’s devotion to militarism is a massive impediment to the changes we need in our fight for a livable climate, and an enduring allegiance to the oil and gas economy is in turn driving continued militarism. “Stabilizing” the oil economy remains a key reason that the US has continued to fund violence in the Middle East, and access to oil in Palestine appears to be connected to its continued occupation. In order to bring about a Just Transition, our leaders need to stop supporting and arming violent, authoritarian governments in order to safeguard oil and gas relationships. Meanwhile, the energy independence brought about through a Just Transition will decrease the perceived need for state-sanctioned violence, at home and internationally. Our fight for a livable planet absolutely includes the fight for all to live in freedom, peace, and dignity. 

We call on the Biden administration and Congress to stop enabling war crimes through their continued and unconditional funding of Israel’s military efforts, and we demand that our elected leaders, from our Alaska delegation to the Biden Administration call for:

  • An immediate and permanent ceasefire 

  • Increased humanitarian aid access

  • The end of the siege, returning access to water, food, power and other life-saving resources to Palestinians

  • Adherence to all international human rights laws

  • The immediate return of all Israeli hostages

  • The immediate return of all Palestinians detained illegally in Israel 

  • Safe passage for all necessary and voluntary evacuations, and a guarantee that those forced to leave through this conflict will have the option to return

We also acknowledge the horrifying uptick of instances of Islamophobia and antisemitism here at home, and we call on our community to stand against all hate speech and acts of violence directed toward our Muslim and Jewish community members.

In this time of deep pain, we call on our community to stand in solidarity and take action to resist the powerful forces that aim to divide us. We know that through collective action, great change is possible.

Ways to take action:

  • Call or email your congresspeople and demand they support a ceasefire 

    • Murkowski - (202)-224-6665

    • Sullivan - (202) 224-3004

    • Peltola - (202) 225-5765

  • Attend a ceasefire phonebank

  • Donate/follow the Center for Jewish Nonviolence

  • Find more resources here 


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